Start of month 5

Sorry I've not posted in a while but let me continue from where I left off (40mg Roaccutane per day, month 5):

As you can see my acne was clearing up well at around month 5! I am so pleased with how Roaccutane has helped me this time, especially after being so disheartened with it the first time around.

I was (and am) still getting a few spots and my Dermatologist said that this is normal; I should still expect to get one or two spots every now and again but R should stop me getting so many so frequently.

I kept getting scabs, like the one on my chin in the picture above, that weren't spots but more like tiny open wounds ( that's the only way I can describe them). My mum said maybe it was because my skin was so dry it was causing it to crack! These took a while to disappear and it didn't matter how much I moisturised. I also had a line of dry skin down my nose which looked scaly and was raw if the skin peeled off- I think that happened because I was scrubbing my skin a bit too vigorously when trying to get rid of flakes.

The main problem I have been having is dry lips!!!! I do NOT remember this being such a problem last time 

The sides of my mouth cracked and every morning when I went to brush my teeth my lips would be stuck together and would bleed when I opened my mouth- it was painful. The sides have healed but I looked like I had cold sores on both sides.

The skin all over my lips kept (and still is) peeling causing them to bleed in the centre. All of this was very annoying because I love wearing lipstick and wearing it would just draw attention to the problem! I tried every type of lip balm I could think of but none really made a difference- I just kept reapplying, tried not to lick them to avoid drying them even more, and drinking lots of water.

Another problem that started occurring at around month 5 was that the inside of my nose started bleeding; at the moment the inside of my nose is full of scabs and if I blow my nose the scabs come lose and the inside of my nose stings... 

I am, however, happy with my skin at the moment. It's not perfect and maybe it will never be but it's so much better than it ever has been.

I'll do a post about my skin at the moment as I am in the middle of month 6! I hope you all had an excellent Christmas and New Year 💕

- Natalie