Start of month 3

I went back to my Dermatologist yesterday for my third prescription of R

This time around I've been seeing my consultant on the NHS; I don't have insurance and the consultations and prescriptions are so expensive! For my first appointment I saw my regular consultant but yesterday and the time before I saw two different nurses who were able to prescribe me the Roaccutane. Yesterday I saw a lovely nurse who upped my dosage to 50mg; she noted that the majority of my spots were around my jawline/neck and said she would increase my prescription to try and make the medication work quicker. 

Here is my face after completing 2 months on 40mg:

I'm sure I've mentioned this before but just for the record my skin isn't actually yellow- it's my face cream...

Anyway, as you can see I'm still spotty and they happen to be those horrible big, sore spots that are really difficult to cover with makeup. Today at work I was embarrassed when people spoke to me so I avoided eye contact with them; my friend, who knows I take R said "I don't know why you take them, they just make your skin worse!" Which upset me. Why do people always have to have an opinion on things they know nothing about??? 

Acne is such a horrid thing to have; I was going to send my friend a snapchat before and didn't because my my skin looked hideous in every photo I took. I feel very lonely.

- Natalie