End of month 6

I went back to my dermatologist today for a monthly checkup; I've been taking R for 6 months now (mostly at 50mg) and I'm still breaking out. As this is my third time on R I would have hoped it would have cleared my acne up quicker and been completely effective! 

There hasn't been a day that my skin has been completely clear, you might look at pictures and think "what's she complaining about? My skin's much worse than that" but if I'm still getting spots now (6 months in and on the third course) what will happen when I stop taking it and it's out of my system? Why does it never work properly on me? 

At the moment I have 2 large puss filled spots in both of my ears that have been there for about 2 weeks and don't seem to be going! Every day when I wake up and at least one of my ears is filled with fluid!

Because my skin is so dry I keep getting tiny scabs on my face, mostly on my forehead.

My lips are very dry and wearing lipstick is literally impossible because my lips peel constantly.

Anyway, I explained to my doctor that I have still been getting spots and they decided to up my dosage to 70mg. I've only ever taken up to 50mg but they hope the increased dosage will help stop my spots once and for all. 

I'm due back in 3 weeks to check my progress and I'm hoping it works!

- Natalie