Spots, spots, and more spots

In the last post I wrote I explained how I had gone back to see my Dermatologist because ny acne had returned, I left that consultation expecting to receive and appointment to see him in clinic a month later to be prescribed Roaccutane but after months of e-mailing and calling to see what was happening because I heard nothing I still have heard nothing. I'm disheartened and yes, I have cried. My acne has come back with a vengeance, at the moment it's all along my jaw line and neck. The spots don't seem to be going away and as soon as one starts to fade another one pops up right next to it. It's a combination of pustules and hard lumps that don't come to a head and i'm using so much makeup trying to cover them up. My mum talked me in to going and having another peel done, she said while we're waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting) for a dermatology appointment to come through I may as well do something proactive to try and control the spots. I booked into Skin Health Spa in town for a consultation so they could heal me decide what treatment would be best for me. We decided on the Azelan Peel which is an anti-inflammatory peel that contains salicyclic acid. If you've never had a peel then just to warn you they can feel hot and tingle but it's nothing too unbearable. I noticed over the next 4 days there was mild peeling but more like very dry skin. It did seem to make a difference and I’ll be booking another one soon. - Natalie